Music Psychology

美 [ˈmjuːzɪk saɪˈkɑːlədʒi]英 [ˈmjuːzɪk saɪˈkɒlədʒi]
  • 网络音乐心理学
Music PsychologyMusic Psychology
  1. Especially the psychology of art , music psychology , singing psychology and so on , are being constructed .


  2. Theory on Disciplines Finally the paper also points out the possibilities to apply the methodologies of music psychology to other studies .


  3. Senior Students ' Music Psychology Development and Teaching Research


  4. Finally , once again that studying the " Vocal Music Psychology " on vocal learning is of great significance .


  5. This paper argues about hermeneutics based on sensation , the principles of knowing and its basic methods in music psychology research .


  6. From the 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century , has been a relatively rapid development period for Music Psychology in China .


  7. Historical evidence shows that investigations of music psychology in China can be traced back to the periods of Spring-Autumn and Warring States .


  8. A , strengthening the theoretical study of early childhood music psychology . Second , strengthen the first lesson in recognition of the importance of enlightenment in learning .


  9. Chapter three by analysis of the theory of film scoring and the music psychology , try to discusses the reason about the circle element exist in film scoring .


  10. Therefore , this article discusses is to make himself a better understanding of " vocal music psychology ", and then with their vocal practice , in order to progress .


  11. Harmonious latitude , beats phenomenon , aural harmonics and virtual pitch are the most important parts and introduce experimental method of music psychology to test them .


  12. In this music psychology , western music scientists have done a lot of pioneering work . And the traditional Chinese music is clearly the theoretical study of these relatively weak .


  13. Looking back over the development of Music Psychology in China , we can forecast that the study of Music Psychology in the 21st Century China will be a period of conformity and probing .


  14. In the development of psychology and music psychology , attention researches began from the period of structuralism , then through the periods of behaviorism and gestalt with overlook .


  15. Because the main interest of music psychology is on the part of human 's behaviors and mental patterns in regard of music , the studies of music psychology eradiate to the related researches .


  16. Vocal music psychology is a branch of psychology that can help the singer sound understand the inherent laws of sounding , because singing voice with the physical organ of mental function in the regulation and control carried out .


  17. And about the vocal music psychology , or as a " singing psychology ", both for the vocal music or singing to the vocal music teaching and counseling , has the theory of inspiration and artistic practical reference value .


  18. Vocal art music psychology as a branch of psychology , is the vocal combination of art and psychology , cross-product of the scope of their research , including singing the sense of perception , attention , memory , thinking , imagination , emotion , etc. will .


  19. On the Chinese Music Aesthetic Psychology under the Pleasure Cultural


  20. By Esthetic Consciousness in Music Performance Psychology Activity Function


  21. Based on the high school music learning psychology survey , this paper found that the multi-media network has become an important way for students to study and appreciate music , far beyond the way in classroom .


  22. The basic elements of music aesthetic psychology include attention , aesthetic expectation , aesthetic attitude , acoustic perception , imagination , emotional experience , and comprehension , etc. They construct the aesthetic psychological structure of music criticism .


  23. Chapter ⅱ will expound the psychological elements involved in musical aesthetic from students ' music appreciation psychology perspectives , which includes musical aesthetic perception , musical aesthetic imagination , musical aesthetic emotion and musical aesthetic understanding .


  24. This thesis uses the methods of collecting material , analyzing and comparing , and searching information on the internet to go on the study of improving the vocal music skill in psychology .


  25. In this study , based on the combination of the former music therapy , psychology and sociology theories choose The Fifth of social welfare in Beijing as the experimental group of 15 elderly subjects for Four-month music therapy group intervention .


  26. Environmental Music can heal human psychology , and music to the environment of the contrast effect on the tourism environment . 4 .


  27. Music nursing was the conjunctive product of music , psychology and nursing .


  28. Psychology of music is an overlapping science subject intersected by musicology and psychology , aimed at studying the interrelation of music and psychology and finding out the law of it .


  29. Is also a music analysis between the start of the music aesthetics , music sociology , music psychology journey .


  30. Music Therapy is a new and developing marginal science , integrating music , therapy and psychology together , and is the development and application of music influence beyond traditional art appreciation and aesthetic conceptions .
